Minggu, 01 April 2018

It's the Health Benefits of Jagoowi's Diligently Drinked Drink

kopi hijau untuk diet beli dimana

It's the Health Benefits of Jagoowi's Diligently Drinked Drink


Jakarta, Joko Widodo aka Jokowi immediately occupied the seat of President RI. Being the president of a country is certainly not an easy job. There are many things that must be done for the welfare of the people. It is impossible to do if Jokowi is not healthy. To maintain health, Jokowi diligently drink herbal medicine. What's the hell? "" Drink herbal, now added turmeric. Ginger ginger now added turmeric, "" Jokowi said in a press conference at his temporary residence in Jalan Taman Suropati, number 7, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday (20/10/2014) at 08.00 WIB.Beberapa time ago, Jokowi also said he had 14 years eating green beans mashed temuk given temulawak and honey. According to herbal experts from the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Indonesia, Abdul Mun'im, MSi, PhD, temulawak, turmeric, and ginger is a herb that has been widely consumed by society. If all three are consumed simultaneously, said Abdul Mun'im, it is not a problem. "" From security there is no problem. In the past, if turmeric could be feared could create problems in the female reproductive system, but already tested, no problem. But if most of it can be dangerous for the kidneys, "" Abdul Mun'im said in a conversation with detikHealth and written on Monday (20/10/2014). For turmeric that has been made extract, suggested Abdul Mun'im, to be consumed no more than 10 grams. While turmeric is directly made alias without extraction, usually will not be consumed much, considering the taste is not good. "" If the directly made it at most 5 grams. Then let me also added various kinds such as brown sugar and ginger, "" he said. Turmeric, continued Abdul Mun'im, believed to increase energy, accelerate the flow of blood, and make a person able to concentrate.Sedangkan ginger dikonsusi much because it can give effect warm on the body, thus making the body fresh. In an article written in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2006, ginger appears to have an effect on the regulation of blood sugar, cholesterol, and fat. Some ginger slices boiled with warm water and consumed before meals can increase metabolism and digestion. This increase is what makes the consumer quickly burn calories and flatten the stomach. Ginger can also be a powerful way to relieve stress. "Ginger contains a powerful antioxidant, gingerol, which helps clean up harmful chemicals the body generates when we are worried, so ginger can help psychological stress as well," "explained nutritionist Alice Mackintosh. Enjoying hot water mixed with chopped ginger and lemon slices believed to break down stomach acid released by human digestive system while being stressed. Ginger can increase appetite. Not only that, ginger also able to absorb the essential nutrients contained in the body. Meanwhile, temulawak if consumed can increase appetite and endurance. "" If taken regularly can keep the immune system, "" said Abdul Mun'im.Temulawak can even lower levels of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) or commonly called bad cholesterol. To lower LDL, when boiling temulawak, the pot should be opened. Why? Because temulawak contains essential oils and kurkuma. "" If the pan is closed, the essentials remain, LDL will go down but the appetite is still there, the same dong. Conversely, if you want to increase your appetite, the pan is closed, "said the Head of Alternative Complementary Polyclinic RSU. Soetomo, Surabaya, dr Arijanto Jonosewojo, SpPD some time ago. Then what are the benefits of green beans consumed by Jokowi? "" Gizinya pretty good. High carbohydrate, good protein too. The green beans and red beans were nice. Boiled alone is enough. Ginger can be added to feel warm. The important thing should not be confused with artificial sweeteners, "" suggested Abdul Mun'im. (Vit / up)